Sunday, August 17, 2008


-So Rolo redeemed himself by saving Lelouch at a time when Lelouch was ready to die, at the cost of Rolo’s own life. After what he did to Shirley though, it’s really hard to forgive him. I don’t think he deserved to get such a good/honorable/perhaps-even-touching ending.

-Along those same lines, Nina now regrets her weapon, so I sense that she might try to do something to right her wrongs. Lloyd tells her that she has to choose between protecting her heart and abandoning science, or breaking her heart and sacrificing herself for science.

-Thanks to Schneizel, everyone now knows Lelouch’s secrets, and he’s lost pretty much everything. Something about all this feels funny to me though. The story’s moving too quickly, yet there are plenty of episodes left, and so I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen. Given the generosity the writers showed Rolo though, I’m doubting that there’ll be a bad Lelouch ending. For now, it looks like the Emperor is going to be using the Ragnarok to destroy the old world and create a new one, and Lelouch’s own redemption will be stopping him.

-Suzaku’s gone mad? And what’s going on in the preview with Gino?